Academic Publications
Johnson, B. (2020). Physicality and Spatialization In Sound Art. In International Symposium on Electronic Art (pp. 505-508). Montreal, Canada.
Johnson, B. D. (2017) Designing Dynamic Systems for Advancing Spatial Engagement in Sound Art. (PhD Thesis). Victoria University of Wellington
Johnson, B. D. (2017) Compositional Approaches To Spatialisation with the speaker.motion Mechatronic Loudspeaker System. In International Symposium on Electronic Art. Manizales, Columbia. June
Johnson D and Kapur A. "(2017) Assessment Techniques for New Mechatronic Instruments as Applied to Speaker.Motion" In International Computer Music Conference, Shanghai, China
B Johnston, B Johnson and A. Kapur (2016) "A New Framework for Interactive Control of Mechatronic Instruments" In the Proceedings of Electronics New Zealand Conference (Enzcon'16). Wellington, New Zealand
B. Johnson, M. Norris and A. Kapur,(2016) "speaker.motion: A Mechatronic Loudspeaker System for Live Spatialisation" In the Proceedings of New Interfaces For Musical Expression. (NIME'16) Brisbane, Australia
P. Dunham and B. Johnson, (2015)"A Fractured Earth: Sonification and Spatialisation of Seismic Data with Max/MSP and speaker.motion" In the Proceedings of the Australasian Computer Music Conference (ACMC'15). Sydney, Australia
B. Johnston, M. Norris, B. Johnson and A. Kapur, (2015)"CARME: A MULTI-TOUCH CONTROLLER FOR REAL-TIME SPATIALISATION OF GESTURAL BEHAVIOUR" In the Proceedings of the Australasian Computer Music Conference (ACMC'15). Sydney, Australia
B. Johnson, M. Norris and A. Kapur, (2014)"Modularity and Protocol in New Diffusion Systems" In the Proceedings of the Australasian Computer Music Conference (ACMC'14). Melbourne, Australia
B. Johnson, M. Norris and A. Kapur (2014)“tactile.motion: An iPad Based Performance Interface For Increased Expressivity In Diffusion Performance” In the Proceedings of The Combined International Computer Music Conference and Sound and Music Computing Conference (ICMC/SMC’14). Athens, Greece
B. Johnson, M. Norris and A. Kapur, (2014)“Diffusing Diffusion: A History of the Technological Advanced in Spatial Performance” In the Proceedings of The Combined International Computer Music Conference and Sound and Music Computing Conference (ICMC/SMC’14). Athens, Greece
B. Johnson (2014)“Emerging Technologies For Real-Time Diffusion Performance” Leonardo Music Journal MIT Press. Vol 24.
B. Johnson, M. Norris and A. Kapur, (2014)“The Development of Physical Spatial Controllers” In the Proceedings of New Interfaces For Musical Expression (NIME’14). London, England
Johnson. B. and Kapur. A.,(2013) “Multi-touch Interfaces For Phantom Source Positioning In Live Sound Diffusion” In Proceedings of New Interfaces For Musical Expression. Seoul, Korea
Johnson. B, Murphy. J. and Kapur, A.,(2013) “Designing Gestural Interfaces For Live Sound Diffusion” In Proceedings of International Computer Music Conference. Perth, Australia
Johnson, B., (2013)“Diffusion Evolved: New Musical Interfaces Applied To Diffusion Performance,” MMA, New Zealand School of Music, Wellington, New Zealand
Johnson, B., and Kapur, A.,(2012) " A Multi-Touch Tool For Live Sound Diffusion" in the Proceedings of Australasian Computer Music Conference, Brisbane, Australia